But slowly, inch by inch we are getting closer to a totally finished kitchen. Over the weekend Handsome Handy Hubby installed our range hood.
We are so happy with how this side of the kitchen has turned out. Yes, the cook top and range hood are off centre on purpose. We wanted as large a piece of bench as possible on the right hand side. The alternative was two small but pretty useless pieces of bench if we centred the cook top. So, we chose to have it set to the left. I was hoping to put an open shelf to hold a cook book just on top of the glass splash back, but there's not quite enough room. So I've got some ideas for artwork that will sit on the right up above the range hood.
On the pantry side, we' started our 'art gallery' for out little Miss. This big bland wall seemed a perfect place for some kid art. The two framed pieces I've been saving for ages as I love them both. The pin board is for all the stuff she brings home from day care. And below that we'll be installing a rail with clips that she can reach to hang her own selections. Just need to find the right clips.
The top photo on the left is a flower made from a hand print, and the one on the right is Little Miss' favourite pink & purple rainbow.
I also deep cleaned the window and sliding door today ... boring but oh so satisfying. I don't think they've been cleaned for at least 5 years (shudder). But it's done and while not perfect it's a million time better.
Some times it feels like we'll never get this kitchen finished, but inch by inch we are getting there.

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