I don't even want to think about the hours of my life that have disappeared since I discovered Pinterest. All of those hours have been very happily spent yes, but have they really achieved anything? Every now and then.
I honestly can't recall where I first can across the idea of using old book pages to create a light shade. But when I searched Pinterest I found this and an idea was born. My gratitude to Allison Patrick of Zipper 8 Lightning who creates such wonderful items using old book pages and provided the "Pinspiration" for this project.
So, not too long ago, I decided to get on with it and create this lamp shade. I love how it turned out. It was super easy to make ... though it did take some time. Just a rice paper shade (I used the Ikea Regolit which cost $6.99), an old book (I'd just donated all my unwanted ones so purchased one for $2 at my local thrift store), and some school glue ($2.95 from the local news agent).
To cut out all those circles I borrowed a cutter from the wonderful Karen. A stellar Stampin Up representative (and my wonderful Aunt). Then I just started gluing them on at the bottom and worked my way up. I glued only the top edge and overlapped them because that's the way I wanted them to look. I did line all my text up (mostly) straight so that you can read little snippets on each circle. I also used some of the chapter titles, page numbers and a blank circle here and there to add interest.
I knew exactly what lamp stand it was going on before I event started. I've been carting around this floor lamp that was my grandmothers for years. Can't tell you how many homes I've had it in. It used to have a 50's inspired shade, but that went when I moved more towards art deco furniture and décor. Since then, this lovely lamp has been languishing in various sheds, garages and junk rooms until now.
For a few dollars and about 5 hours of gluing while I was watching TV at night I love how it's turned out. Now I jut have to figure out what to do with the stand itself. The base and little accent on the end of the curve is woods that's been painted brown at some stage. The curved arm moves so you can position the light at various heights. It's metal and I thought it was black, but when I pulled it out and looked closely the black is coming off and it's gold underneath that. The gold is also scratched showing bare metal so I think that was it's original colour. I've put this project off for so long because I just can't decide what to do with the base - black, turquoise, copper, dark grey. I just can't decide. Any suggestions?

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